I love the earthy just-after-a-rain smell
I like the shock of lightening and the thrill of thunder - that breathtaking combination of wonder and fear makes me feel like a little kid, peeking out from under the sheets
I like wildflowers - so natural and fresh
I love hugs
I love rainbows - you know that moment when you first see it, and your heart skips and you feel for that moment that it's shining just for you
I love laughing with someone over something silly, or maybe nothing at all
I like big, mountainous, billowing clouds, lined with gold in the setting sun
I love my husband's smile - when he's happy, my whole world's brighter
I like a good book - one to make you think of things you never thought before, or take you to a life you could never live otherwise
I like talking heart-to-heart with a godly girlfriend over a cup of coffee
I love camping out in the crisp, cool, mountian freshness
I like being caught in a gentle rainfall
I like listening to music - especially upbeat
I like sleeping in - snuggling deeper into the covers when it's the usual time to get up brings a certain satisfaction
I like the colors pink and blue
I like a room filled with lit candles
I love sunshine and a soft breeze
I love "gifts" from children - their spontaneous and imperfect tokens of affection give me warm fuzzies
I like seeing the leaves change colors in the fall
I like soft, cuddleable teddy bears
I love traveling and exploring new places with my husband
The most wonderful thing in my life is God. He is all I need, yet, if I can just keep my eyes (and heart) open, I can see in every day something of His love, some blessing to brighten, strengthen, ease, or beautify my life.
Lord, give me eyes to see and a heart to treasure what you have so lavishly given.