Butterfly in the Gutter

I love butterflies. Their delicate, painted wings seem to diffuse a dancing sort of serenity in any scene. Today I saw one. It was pristinely white. Exquisite. Striking anywhere, but even more so by it's particular backdrop: a putrid gutter, pitch black with slime and rot.

This timeless symbol of new spring life and transforming hope was fluttering just scant inches above such filth and muck. This spotless creature was in the gutter, utterly surrounded by it. And yet, it was unmarred. It could pass through and come out safe and pure. What a powerful picture. In that moment of seeing, my mind flies. Lord, can I too, pass through this often-ugly, usually-crude, pain-filled and fallen world, and still come out spotlessly pure?

Most days that doesn't feel to be the case. In fact, the Bible says that can never be the case. All have sinned and fallen short...stumbling or being shot down into the slimy gutter of sin and pain.
But the Bible says something else, too. Jesus' righteousness covers me. I am washed clean...white as snow, in fact. I stand before the Father spotless. Pristine. I was once a grimy caterpillar, but no longer. I will fly with Him in eternal hope and endless life.

Feeling Alive

I love the earthy just-after-a-rain smell
I like the shock of lightening and the thrill of thunder - that breathtaking combination of wonder and fear makes me feel like a little kid, peeking out from under the sheets
I like wildflowers - so natural and fresh
I love hugs
I love rainbows - you know that moment when you first see it, and your heart skips and you feel for that moment that it's shining just for you
I love laughing with someone over something silly, or maybe nothing at all
I like big, mountainous, billowing clouds, lined with gold in the setting sun
I love my husband's smile - when he's happy, my whole world's brighter
I like a good book - one to make you think of things you never thought before, or take you to a life you could never live otherwise
I like talking heart-to-heart with a godly girlfriend over a cup of coffee
I love camping out in the crisp, cool, mountian freshness
I like being caught in a gentle rainfall
I like listening to music - especially upbeat
I like sleeping in - snuggling deeper into the covers when it's the usual time to get up brings a certain satisfaction
I like the colors pink and blue
I like a room filled with lit candles
I love sunshine and a soft breeze
I love "gifts" from children - their spontaneous and imperfect tokens of affection give me warm fuzzies
I like seeing the leaves change colors in the fall
I like soft, cuddleable teddy bears
I love traveling and exploring new places with my husband

The most wonderful thing in my life is God. He is all I need, yet, if I can just keep my eyes (and heart) open, I can see in every day something of His love, some blessing to brighten, strengthen, ease, or beautify my life.

Lord, give me eyes to see and a heart to treasure what you have so lavishly given.


Today, my husband and I went for a stroll in the park. Lounging on some boulders by a stream, we set up our IPOD speakers for a little background music, and pulled out a Max Lucado book (Come Thirsty). The chapter was about angels. Not the chubby cherubs or flighty fairies most people associate with the celestial beings, but the mighty spirits who serve God both in the heavens and here on earth. The point was that the angels listen to God's voice alone, and obeying Him means protecting and ministering to those who love and fear Him. It was a lovely and encouraging chapter, but the part that really impressed me appeared at the very end: the angels are stunned by us and our special relationship with God. God chose to become a human, not an angel. Humans know the wonder of salvation and redemption, sinless angels don't. And most amazingly, God's Holy Spirit dwells within us humans who receive His salvation. The angels worship continually around the throne of God, yet they do not know the immense power and comfort of the Spirit of God living in them, as we can. This convicts me. I have the Treasure of treasures living with and within me, and how often do I take it for granted? Too often.

Glorious Father, Beautiful Savior, and Blessed Holy Spirit,
Forgive my careless thoughts towards the miracle of You dwelling in me. May I never forget the wonder of what You have done to be with me. I love and serve You only.