Esther is well-known for her beauty. She was physically one of the most attractive women in all of Persia. But do you really think that physical beauty alone was enough to put her on the throne next to a king who had hundreds of women in his harem? I think there was something more to Esther. The Bible says that the king liked Esther more than any other girl, she “won his favor and approval” above all the others. Among hundreds of the most beautiful women to be found, she had something that set her apart. She knew who she was, but still had a heart of submission.

Yes, I used the “S” word. I think many women today have forgotten the beauty and strength to be found in submitting to godly authority. I don’t for a minute picture Esther as a doormat or slave-like in any way, do you? No, she was intelligent, strong, capable, bold. Yet, for all of that, she wasn’t proud or demanding of respect. She was sure enough of her value as a woman to know when to say “Yes” to the authorities in her life. And because she did, God was able to do a great thing, not only for herself, but for an entire people group.
She submitted to the king’s men who gathered the beautiful women of the land. She submitted to her cousin and guardian, Mordecai, when he instructed her in how to behave in the king’s palace. She submitted to Hegai, the eunuch in charge, in his suggestions on how to present herself to the king. She submitted to God as He led her to the defining task of her life. In the end, I think it was her humility, in complement to her inner strength, that moved the king to submit to her request. Imagine if she had copped an attitude of pride in any of those situations…the whole story might have ended differently.
This whole subject is too huge and complex to unpack fully here. But my point is this: I don’t want to miss my purpose, or even a part of it, by thinking of myself more highly than I should. As a woman, I am a priceless treasure, deserving of respect and care. But may I hold my worth and value within myself and not demand it from others or shunning humility and submission. My greatest purpose may come through saying “yes”. Strength, intelligence, and boldness are beautiful when submitted in honor and purpose.
Pursue Beauty…
P.S. For more insight, I encourage you to read the full story of Esther in the Bible!