Here are some of my observations...
There is a strong theme of identity. Rapunzel's is most obvious, of course, as she discovers who she really is in the end. But there is also an awakening in Eugene, as he learns the real treasure worth living and dying for: love. From the start, his orphan heart longed for a different destiny. Though he tries to fill the ache with money and adventure, his heart knows he was meant for something bigger and better than selfish gain...Rapunzel's innocence, purity, joy, and sacrificial love reveal this to him. Like Eugene, something inside of us knows that we weren't meant to live in sickness, pain, poverty, emptiness, and loneliness. Only the pure, joyful, redemptive love of Jesus can rescue us from that reality and call us up to our true destiny! As we walk in our destiny, our very lives will call those around us to rise up into theirs! "I have a dream!" :)
I love Rapunzel's heart. She is so life-giving that everyone she touches has an experience of light and joy! How can someone spend their entire life locked up and lied to and put down, yet still have love and purity and joy? For Rapunzel it was the power of the sun living inside her; For us it is the power of the Son living inside us! With Jesus, we live lives of undimmable joy...healing freely, dreaming passionately, loving unselfishly, and illuminating every life around us with the Son's light! Rapunzel heals through her singing and her tears; We heal through Jesus' joy and compassion! Powerful!

I love the analogy of true love and false love, too. False love takes everything for self and only gives enough to keep the other giving. Real love always does what is best for the other, without thought of cost to self or reciprocation. Eugene wasn't willing to let Rapunzel live a life of slavery, so he gave up his own life to save her from it. Sounds an aweful lot like what my Jesus did for me thousands of years ago!
See? It is a Kingdom story. It is my story. It is your story! Like Rapunzel finally seeing the sun in all her paintings, look back over your life and see the imprint of the are the child of the King! There is more joy, power, freedom, and love waiting for you than you can ever imagine! Know who you are!
Oh, and one more thing...Rapunzel knowing she was a daughter wasn't enough...she always knew she was a daughter. The freedom came from knowing WHOSE daughter she was! Know your King, and then you will know who you are!
Be blessed!
I also loved this story- and love what you've shared. Some truly insightful reflections...I know we could probably talk for hours about this you and me:) xox
Agreed, Sharon! I wish we could have a long, long chat about this and so much more! :) Miss you, friend!
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