For Christmas this year my mom gave me a book.  At first glance, it appears to be an average book.  It is not.  The stories contained between the covers have forever changed me.  The book is Passport Through Darkness by Kimberly L. Smith, and it is her story intertwined inextricably with the stories of a beautiful place tragically oppressed by darkness: Darfur, Sudan.

I have been aware of the problem of human trafficking and modern slavery for a couple of years now, but I try not to think about it.  I knew it would devastate me, so it seemed safer, and certainly more pleasant, to only think on it briefly.  Reading Kimberly's story opened up deep places in my heart and, yes, the pain floored me at several points.  But I am realizing that in order to be truly intimate with God, I must open myself up to all of Him.  What kind of wife would I be to Sam if I only wanted to share the good things with him, but shut down or walked out when he was going through pain, difficulty, or depression?  On our wedding day I vowed to share all of life with him, not just the fun parts.  Participating in what the other is experiencing is one of the most fulfilling and sometimes sacrificial parts of intimacy: "I am a separate person than you, but I choose to be one with you, even through the ugly of life."  I wouldn't trade it for the world.  In the same way, if I desire to be called the Bride of Christ, I must allow my experience of Him to encompass what breaks His heart.  Just as He rejoices always, He also sees every evil act and weeps with His womb-formed ones in their pain.

I find the more I hear of the inhuman atrocities mankind is capable of inflicting, the higher my estimation of Christ's blood rises.  As I look deep into the heart of Jesus, my heart breaks for the vulnerable and my anger burns on their behalf.  Yet, I see His love goes much deeper still: even to the depth of longing for the perpetrators to be washed clean...after all, He has already paid their price for redemption.  He bore the blame and shame of EVERY sin as if He had done it Himself...the weight of which was enough to kill Him.  This shatters me to bits.  What God is this?!  How can He love like this?!  He is overwhelmingly beautiful.

I challenge you to dissolve the compartments of your heart, open the door just a crack and ask Jesus to let you feel how He feels about His suffering children.  It seems dangerous, I know.  There is so much pain and abuse of the heart in your life already.  But the pain of Jesus' heart is a clean pain.  It will not stain or scar you because it is mixed with His powerful, redemptive, joyous, hope-filled love!  All evil has an expiration date!  Jesus is the God of Justice and He never fails!
Like I said, having tasted His heart in this way, I am forever changed.  I do not feel guilty for the blessed life that I live.  I have been given freedom, health, and abundance for a reason: to be a voice, a hand, a heart for those who haven't.  This is pure religion that pleases my Father in heaven.

In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness month, I encourage you to do something to join in the fight against modern slavery and oppression, even if it is only to let yourself feel what you never have before.

Here is a beautiful song: Break My Heart by Tosha Zwanziger.  If you like it, purchase the song or album on iTunes, proceeds go to support this cause!

Ministries to check out:

Make Way Partners

Not For Sale

Stop Child Trafficking Now

Pearl Alliance