Living Water & New Wine

At the prompting of my husband, I am sharing a few new things the Lord is teaching me about being used by Him in prophecy/prophetic art and as a vessel of His love and power.  I have been crying out to God for new wine, fresh wind, and living water to flow from my heart and life, to be saturated in His presence and to bring the life and light of that presence into every situation, to be a blessing to others.

Sam and I recently joined a small group of friends who meet to learn and practice how to operate in the supernatural gifts of the Spirit.  Last week's topic was Prophetic Art...using simple pictures to give a visual representation of a word from God for someone.  We experienced a great evening of prophesying, praying, and ministering to each other.  I felt personally that something was released in me that night.  Like I have held a well deep inside me that was uncapped, starting to fill up and overflow.  The word and picture that I received was about a fountain of living water flowing from my belly to bless and refresh others.  This has been my prayer for the past month!  Confirmed and given back to me by a stranger! 

A few days later, I was worshipping and had the thought to just draw in my journal while I worshipped.  So, I did a simple drawing, not much more than a doodle I thought.  It wasn't until later that night, that I realized I had done prophetic art over myself of a passage of Scripture I had read that morning (but hadn't thought about at all while drawing).  The Scripture was John 2:1-11...Jesus turning the water into wine.  As I read the familiar passage, I was struck in particular by two things: that Jesus had the servants fill the stone jars to the brim with water, and that when they took the water-made-wine to the master no one knew where it had come from except the ones who drew it out.  Anyway, here is the picture I drew in my journal:
A stone jar, full to the brim with water from Heaven that turns in to wine as it spills over and fills up other vessels!  Living Water turned into New Wine!  That is my heart cry and I truly feel like that jar, being filled to overflowing with God's love and presence.

Today I did another drawing to depict the feeling I have of standing under this outpouring.

He is the wine, I am the vessel.

Come, Lord.  Fill me to the brim.  I want Your river of Living Water to pour over me, to spill out and to refresh everyone I come in contact with.  Let me drip with the fragrance of Your presence.  Let me be transparent.  It's all about You.  Only You can satisfy.  Only You can fill.  Only You can quench my soul's thirst.  Come closer, Lord.  Fill me to the brim.

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