Notes from Kris Valloton "Developing Champions"

 Tidbits from a great talk by Kris Valloton:

Acts 9:26-31
Barnabas ("son of encouragement") sees the gold in a Saul, before he became a Paul. He had the ability to recognize and call the treasure out of darkness. 

Disciple someone until they outgrow you.  

Accountability should be less about keeping us from sinning, and more about keeping us on track in our destiny! 

God wants to give us eyes of the owl, to see through the deep darkness to know what is what, what is inside of people, what their destiny is. 

Call out the gold in people. 

God is calling us to be a people of prophetic declaration...stop prophesying earthquakes and start stopping them!

Treat people not as they are, but as God see them, inviting them into their destiny! 

I got saved by believing in Jesus, but I get changed by knowing that He believes in me.  Find Jesus in the eyes of the person next to me...He is there in a different form. 

Condemnation connects sin with identity ("You lied, you're a liar." "You stole, you're a thief."); conviction separates us from the sin ("People like you, a daughter/son of God, royal priesthood, holy nation, do not behave that way.  That is not who you are, you don't have to act that way!"). 

Create an atmosphere of believing in people, taking the time to say, "Lord, how do You see this person?" 

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