Living Rainbow

I sit bathed in sunshine, but all around me is the dark, moody clouds of the passing storm.  I suddenly become aware that this is the perfect condition for a rainbow….perishing rain, golden evening sun, thick clouds as a backdrop.  I look around expectantly, but soon realize that, look though I may, I cannot see one.  I know it is there, somewhere…it has to be.  Then it hits me: I am in the rainbow.  Somewhere, someone else is looking at this place where I am, and what they see is the breathtaking colors of that beautiful marriage of light and water…the visual representation of God’s faithfulness, a beacon of hope, a symbol of joy. 

That is the purpose of my life on this earth.  To be that contact point where God’s glory is reflected in my life into a clear picture of His faithfulness.  To be a sign that points to the only true Source of Joy, in stark contrast to the dull, depressing atmosphere surrounding.   To be a reminder that there is an end to every storm.   There is a God who is not only capable of keeping His promises, but also trustworthy to the highest degree, far beyond what we even know of.   

If you know the Son, then rest assured, whatever storm you are weathering, He intends it to be a message of hope and joy to the world around you.  He is the Light of the World and the Living Water…so in essence, He is shining on you, reflecting on Himself in you, and creating a picture of His faithfulness, that though you may not see it, is distinctly and strikingly visible to those elsewhere! 

What a beautiful, mysterious marriage this is! 

Bliss to you!

P.S. The picture above was taken by Kelly Miller elsewhere in the city as I wrote this very post!  :)


Sharon Wolstencroft said...

I love both these reflections Sarah-Was close to tears after reading the top one, about obedience, saying yes, God's protection and care in the changing of seasons...that lovely reflection on that scripture from Proverbs 31- I'd never interpreted it like that before, but it's beautiful..and lovely how God has been comforting you and preparing you to pray this prayer daily...
And then this one on the rainbow, really speaks to me write so beautifully, you have such a gift Sarah! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reflections and truly prophetic inspirations from God...Thank you so much!!! :)

Sarah said...

Thanks, Sharon, for your encouraging words! I wrote it, but you are living it! :) You radiate God's love and Spirit naturally from that inner life with are His rainbow! Love you! - Sarah