The Original Superfruit!

It seems that modern nutritional science is discovering jaw-dropping, must-have, all-but-magical properties to some fruit or other every few months.  Hundreds of products line grocery store shelves claiming to bestow the benefits of these "superfruits" to consumers.  According to Wikipedia, a superfruit is "a fruit which combines exceptional nutrient richness and antioxidant quality with appealing taste".   So, they are fruits that are fun to eat AND really good for you!  Win, win!
Well, I propose to you today that God has the Original Superfruit!  It is His secret weapon.  Only problem is that it's not secret to the enemy, but it's mostly secret to His people.  It is a Fruit of the Spirit that is powerful to enhance our spiritual health, dangerous against the realm of darkness, and it is addictively fun as well!  God's Superfruit is JOY! 

Think about time you are really happy, stop for a minute and survey how you feel mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  I know for myself, when I am full of joy I feel energetic and efficient, generous and bright, able to make better choices, able to commune with God, able to reach out to others, I feel great about myself, my life, and everyone else, too!  Joy is an enhancer!  All the other Fruits of the Spirit flow so much better in me when I am operating out of Joy!  Patience?  No problem!  I'm joyful, so I have no need for impatience!  Peace?  Absolutely!  In joy I am happy where I'm at and positive for the future!  Love?  You bet!  The actions of love are definitely more effective when accompanied by Joy!  Self-Control?  Sure thing!  Joy gives me confidence to make wise decisions! 

Just like the other Fruits of the Spirit, Joy sometimes requires a disciplined will decision to choose to operate in it.  When it comes to Love, Patience, Faithfulness, etc., we expect to actively use our will at times to practice and grow in those things.  So, why, when it comes to Joy, do we so easily dismiss it as a fleeting emotional experience that "just happens" to us?  "I'm not feeling joyful today.  Oh, well.  Just one of those days, I guess."  I'll tell you something, the enemy knows full well the many benefits of Joy for us, and he does everything in his power to keep us from discovering lasting victory in this area.  It is so much easier for him to keep us away from Joy if he can just keep us thinking that it is something beyond our control to access.  

Below are some insights on this SuperFruit of the Spirit!  There is a wealth of Scripture on Joy!  I encourage you to take the time to look up the references and read them with Holy Spirit!  Joy is powerful and reveals a beauty of God's heart like few other things!   
*Joy = Strength...physically and spiritually!  We are joyful because He is our strength, and we are strong because He is our Joy!  
(1 Chronicles 16:26-28, Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 81:1-3, Psalm 118:14-16, Proverbs 15:13, Proverbs 17:22, Isaiah 12:2-4)

*Joy is supposed to be the Christian norm, not the occasional experience!  Grief and weeping are to be the passing things, healed in the Presence of the One who is anointed with the oil of joy more than any other!
(Psalm 30:4-5, Psalm 32:10-11, Psalm 33:1-3, Psalm 45:7, Psalm 89:14-16, Psalm 118:14-16, Psalm 126:5-6, Psalm 132:8-9, Luke 24:52-53, Romans 14:17-18, Romans 15:13)

*Joy's source is God's presence!  He enjoys worship that is dynamically, loudly, extravagantly praising Him with diverse expressions of gladness!  In His presence we find inexpressible joy, and that gives Him pleasure!    
(Psalm 16:11, Psalm 21:6, Psalm 33:1-3, Psalm 95:1-3, Psalm 100:1-3, Psalm 149:4-6, Jeremiah 15:15-17, Zephaniah 3:17, Luke 24:52-53, John 15:10-11) 

*Joyful praise is a correct response to God's redemption, protection, favor, and provision.  Especially sweet to Him when we offer it before the answer comes!
(Psalm 5:11-12, Psalm 25:5-7, Psalm 63:6-8, Psalm 126:1-3, Isaiah 12:2-4) 

*Joyful lifestyle, even in the face of trials, is evidence of right relationship with Holy Spirit in our lives, and is one of the most powerful forms of communicating His goodness to pre-Christians!  It is one of the brightest, most attractive signs that point to His life in us!  The more progress with make with Holy Spirit, the more consistently joy should be visible in our lives!
(Psalm 51:11-13, Psalm 107:21-22, Psalm 126:1-3, Psalm 145:6-7, Isaiah 12:2-4, Isaiah 24:13-14, Luke 6:22-23, Acts 13:51-52, Romans 14:17-18, Philippians 1:25, Hebrews 12:1-3)

*Joy is not always a reaction to good circumstances, it is also a will-led response to the wonderful, breath-taking, majestic nature of God, no matter what is occurring around us! 
(Psalm 118:14-16, Isaiah 24:13-14, Zephaniah 3:17, Luke 6:22-23, Acts 13:51-52, Hebrews 12:1-3) 

*Joy is an integral part of our prayer life!  Answered prayers bring joy, and praying should make us joyful!  Prayer is essentially coming into the presence of God, connecting with His heart, and then repeating back to Him what He reveals He wants to do!  This is a fun and pleasurable process!  
(Psalm 126:5-6, Psalm 149:4-6, Isaiah 56:7, John 16:23-25)

I know this is a lot of material, but if this is something that interests you, take this journey of discovery with Holy Spirit deeper into His joyful nature!  He will make it fun, I promise!    

Bliss to you!
P.S.  For large amounts of Scripture look-ups, such as this, I like to use's quick and easy to copy+paste the references in the Search field.  Or just type in "joy" and read away!  :)  

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